
Better Homes & Gardens Wandawega Winter Wonderland feature is out!

When I was a kid in the early 70’s my Grandma always had Better Homes & Gardens. It has been an American institution since the 1920’s…. a virtual bible of all things home decor, entertaining. (so, we where super humbled when they called and asked if they could come shoot a feature story).

The new issue November  is out– and to celebrate, we’re going to open up camp rentals this winter for a little trial run. When Wisconsin has its first blanket of snow, we’ll open up AirBnB calendar to y’all.

We’ve always wanted to do it, and have finally pulled the trigger! We’ve spent this last season winterizing camp:
which means everything from insulating to buring water lines to new ductwork and furnaces- the whole nine yards.

Truth is, there is as much to do in the winter as there is in the summer: snowmobiling, cross country skiing, ice skating, hiking, sledding, ice fishing and of course (my fav) hanging out by the fireplace and drinking hot toddies all day long.

So this 6-page feature is all about what we love most: Sharing camp with friends and family– A big shout-out to our dear friends Mindy Segal of Hot Chocolate for her amazing recipes & cooking for this feature! and to the talented Kelly Marie Thompson for the floral styling & prop styling. These two are amazing and talented humans and we are so happy to call them friends.

Also thanks for Patrick & Neils for being co-stylists, models, tree-choppers, ice skating teachers- and all round fun.

The issue is on stands now- here are the spreads:


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